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    Island Paradise

   June 25/27, 2013

News - Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

By Dexter, on 26/12/2012

Hello everybody !

We are December 26 and I wish to take this opportunity to wish you all a Merry Christmas !
I know this is a little late, but I had a lot to install (new computer !!!)
Short, I hope you've all been spoiled, and for those who do not have what they wanted, I hope they had a great time with their family or their friends.
Very soon, I have an announcement to make !
Translate by Flo.


Posted on 2012-12-26 11:24 pm
Avatar de Lea08
Joined on 2012-07-26
Joyeux Noel en retard :P
Posted on 2012-12-30 05:58 pm

Joined on 2012-11-01
Joyeux Noël à l'équipe, continuez comme ça ;)

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