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The Sims 3
Island Paradise
June 25/27, 2013
Welcome to Generation Sims 3, the generation of modern Sims.
Find on GS3 all information necessary or essential of the game and even more...
Hello Everybody !
EA annonced the titlle of the next expansion, it is : Into the future. It should be out this autumn. it would send the sims in the future ... But patience ... :)
Here is the sreenshot of the source:
Here is the link to our source :
But the link is not available in few hours
Good Day !
PS: it's my first new !
Hello everybody !
My name is Agnès, I am 15 years old and I am the new intern, I am on testing during 2 week. I take care of the news and the translation for the english and spanish version. I hope you delight and work a long time with you
Hello everybody !
Translate bu Flo.
Hello everybody !
Hello everybody,
And no, this is unfortunately not the Facebook page of Generation Sims 3 has reached one million fans (although it could happen soon), this is the official page of Sims 3 ! We congratulate them on this number which is ... huge ! I invite you during this time dancing like crazy to the Gagnam Style! (a billion, a billion, a billion !).
Brief, as our friends at EA are very sympatic, therefore it offers to participate in a major competition ! Youpie !
This competition is a small competition where you have to make pretty little pictures (not for me so ...).
But if you are interested and want to participate, go here : click here !
From our side, we will continue to offer you to join our large community by clicking here : click here !
Dear fans, dear members,
I just go see detailed statistics of the site (the one you do not have access) and I can tell you one thing : THANK YOU !!
Indeed, it is very rare, too rare to see me to tell you this, but I would like to thank all the people who come to the site every day. So I could make my choosy and say that there isn’t enough commentary (which is a shame), but seeing the number of visits each month, I think that the site should be more appreciated.
Every day, we give the best of ourselves to offer a broad content.
Jeremy, for example, is currently developing the application on iOS Sims Generation, which will, like that of Google Play Free.
Sébastien 217 and myself we create the balance sheet of the fan day, which also allowed us to see a great expansion pack, maybe even the best of the third generation.
beautyvalentine and Florent (the new translation of the site) are working arranche foot to offer the translation of our many articles.
maxoudj72 when with him, checks and sets your site many creations.
But this is not all, in addition to all this, I am currently working on some ideas for articles. In addition, Jeremy and myself, we are currently working on some secret projects ..
In short, you'll understand that we try to do our best to offer you the best content possible.
Certainly, many sites offer content much richer than ours, but know that we are trying to put heart into it and I think we can offer something rather interesting.
Here are a few items that are arriving soon :
- balance sheet of the Fan Day
- An article made in Dexter
Brief, know that since we have this advanced version of the statistics, I could see that this month, Generation Sims 2 and Sims 3 Generation accumulated since 2007 (for Generation Sims 2) and 2008 (for Generation Sims 3) more:
2 500 000 visits in total.
You'll understand it's just ... E-NOR-MOUS
Once again,
Translate by Flo.